Emergency Chocolate

Oh man. You know how you can have one of those days? Like, you leave your gourmet flavored coffee at home, the spinach on your salad is wilted, and you want to use the cord on your mouse to strangle one or many of your coworkers?


That’s when it’s time for the emergency chocolate stash.

It’s only 150 calories, which is way better than the Kitkat bar from the vending machine (even though I’m sure 149 of those calories is High Fructose Corn Syrup). So if I’m going to be bad, this is probably the least detrimental way to do it.

The directions seem easy enough. Mix water with cake mix. Add fudge. Microwave.

Then doubt sets in.

The fudge looks like poo. This is supposed to be quelling my anxiety and anger not make me want to hurl.

If there’s anything I’m good at it’s being diligent. Other people (like my mother and father) call it being hard headed, but my most recent concussion sustained at scrimmage practice has proven that theory void.

So I continue on and microwave the poo floating in a sea of diarrhea. And thank the Lord, something somewhat edible emerges!

They say to let it cool. They weren’t kidding. It’s called “Molten Chocolate Cake” for a reason. After the first bite, I let it sit for minute. It wasn’t awesome. It was just a little bit of chocolate (not even 150 calories worthy).

It did make my day a little better though; if only for the distraction of turning a bowl of poo into Molten Chocolate Cake.

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